Ben's Notes™
Some pages may be PG-13 as I occasionally write silly comments to myself. I hope the vulgarity amuses you as well. If not, fuck it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
FULL DISCLOSURE-- Only the Eng. Physics 2 notes have been fully uploaded thus far, and even then still incomplete as I still need to add all of the Exam Reviews and Homework sections.
This website is best used with a laptop or tablet.
Don't neglect the search function on the top right. Shit'll change your life.
(If so obliged)
Donations can be sent to:
Venmo @Bakergofast
(Last 4 digits 1189)
Cashapp $Bakerisfast
Whatever you feel like sending is always appreciated!
Note, the site is still under construction. currently, the Physics notes are being uploaded as time permits
Maths n shit. Whatchu know about that, fool